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  • Library " Customs Forms"
    Library allows customers to review, download, complete and/or print documents and send to customhouse broker various Customs Forms

  • Library " Carrier Tracking"
    Library contains list of cargo companies that allow the customers to track shipments via a number of additional criteria, including customer reference number, shipment date, origin, and destination

  • Library " Air Freight Container Sizes"
    Library contains list of container specifications relating to length, area, and volume of the airfreight container.

  • Library " Ocean Freight Container Sizes"
    Library contains list of container specifications relating to length, area, and volume of the ocean freight container.

  • Library " List of common International Terms Of Sale"
    Library of internationally accepted commercial terms defining the respective roles of the buyer and seller in the arrangement of transportation and other responsibilities and clarify when the ownership of the merchandise takes place.

  • Library " Weights and Calculations Table
    Library contains the facility to convert international tables of measure for weight, mass, lenth and capacity in a productive and efficient manner.
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