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  TOTAL TRANSPORT SERVICES INC. provides superior logistics services and solutions to their clients through knowledgeable, professional staffing and cutting-edge information.

Service "Air Freight"
Air freight is now a popular method of shipping products and goods of all types. Virtually anywhere in the world a shipment can arrive in one or two days. TOTAL TRANSPORT SERVICE INC. provides solutions for many clients requiring air freight forwarding services.

Service "Ocean Freight"
TOTAL TRANSPORT SERVICES INC. offers complete import and export ocean container shipping services. We have an extensive worldwide network of agents who are familiar with shipping and customs requirements in every country.

Service "Distribution/Warehousing"
TOTAL TRANSPORT SERVICES INC. is engaged in Warehousing and Distribution of a wide range of consumer products. We stay on top of industry standards and the latest developments in handling productivity, which provides you with the most effective warehouse possible enabling you to concentrate on doing what your company does best.

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